Cycle 4, 2017

Hey Team,

We will be pre and post testing from Tuesday (9/5) through Tuesday (9/12).  Please do your best to be present! It will give us a good launch point for the cycle.  Saturday open gym would be a great time to make up any missed testing 😉 .

At this point in the year we will start to shift our focus away from absolute strength and use the strength we’ve gained a base for more time on dynamic skill development and conditioning in preparation for the CrossFit Open.  We will work for approximately 8 weeks on the goals below, have a one week deload (reduction in load/volume) then retest in hopes of seeing measurable progress in the focus areas listed below.


Improve Absolute Strength

Continue to Create Strength Speed by building on the strength base we have created this year and applying it to the olympic lifts: primarily Cleans and Power Snatching.

Further Develop Gymnastics
For those who have adequate strict gymnastic volume we will start to work on the skill of kipping.

Building Aerobic Capacity
Transitioning from monostructural (running/erging) testing to mixed modal (traditional CrossFit style)

Overhead mobility and carrying strength in preparation for snatches in Cycle 5.

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